‘Apostrophe laws’ named for kid victims on the wane

When Amanda Moore concluded that her daughter’s killer was a drug addict wrongly paroled and wrongly allowed to remain free, she did like many parents before her: she proposed legislation to spare others the same fate. She named it for her child: Amelia’s Law.

For the past two decades, parents who’ve lost children in horrible ways have tried to memorialize them in law, and Americans usually have honored their wishes.

Dozens of state and federal statutes are named for children who died too soon: Megan’s Law and Jessica’s Law, the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. There’s Kendra’s Law, Leandra’s Law and Lauren’s Law, three Jacob’s Laws and at least three Laura’s Laws. Full Article

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Great! I am so happy to hear that they are not going to pass some useless law just so that woman can feel good. These laws are stupid and meaningless and simply dishonor the death by bring more pain to someone else.

I like that the article actually points out that they are not effective and that the majority of sexual assaults are perpetrated by someone that the victim ALREADY KNOWS and NOT some one on a sex offender list!

The list is simply a feel good law which actually gives a false sense of security to people and does a disservice about educating children and parents about the true nature of sex offenses and who they REALLY should be watching for and educating their child about!

I understand parents grieving, or even being advocates of certain proposed laws. However, these laws are NOT good memorials to child victims. By using victims’ names, laws are enacted, not based on right and wrong, not based on justice, not based on reason, not even based on facts, but on emotion alone. It’s time all laws bearing a victim’s name be revisited and overhauled to make sense.

It’s also time to hold politicians who support these laws accountable. “Jessica’s Law” was pushed in California with proponents claiming RSO’s had a 60-70% recividism rate. Last year, the California DOJ admitted the real recividism rate in the state was only 1.9%. Why are the proponents of “Jessica’s” Law” not being charged with committing fraud upon the general public? Does anyone remember that we have truth in advertising laws that also cover political advertising?

Back to my point that these are not good memorials to victims, can anyone explain to me why any parent would want their child’s horrific death be their lasting legacy rather than who they were? If my daughter, and yes I have a teenage daughter, were ever to become a victim like this, I would want to remember who she is in life, not how she died.

These cindylaw mindylaw betsylaw cornylaw types are a massive
waste of public funds that spews out information that misleads
misrepresents deceives …a massive waste of public funds sham…
…how bout replacing those idiot name laws on which no other
person was a party too….with a title of inclusive to everyone….
Constitutional Law.

No law named after a human being is a waste. Not if it puts people on notice and inspires other states to adopts the same law. After all if any of you who down these laws passes away via a crime against you, your loved ones may puah for a law named after you. That’s called carma.